Armchair Traveler, Sacre-Coeur, Paris November 2014

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris overlooks Paris from the Village of Montmartre, the Mount of Martyrs, at the highest point in Paris. Construction began in 1875 and was completed in 1914. Consecration was delayed until 1919, until peace reigned following World War I. The Basilica as seen from the streets of Montmartre.

We have visited Sacre-Coeur on two occasions; the last in 2014. The visage of the white travertine stone, Romano-Byzantine church, towering above us on the butte of Montmartre, is over whelming. Only the Eiffel Tower is higher than this beautiful church.

Look up. That’s what you have to do. Take a picture!

The interior is adorned with magnificent mosaics depicting the life and death of Christ. This mosaic “Christ in Glory”, in the apse and measuring 475 square meters, dominates the sanctuary. It is the largest mosaic in France.

Christ the King. This mosaic is connected to and opposite Christ in Glory.

Other mosaics depict the Stations of the Cross.

This shows Veronica as she wipes the face of Jesus, at the sixth station of the cross. Notice the border which depicts the thorns that compose the “crown of thorns” worn by Jesus as he made his way to Calvary.

Light is abundant as it flows through the dome high overhead.

Two additional views of the apse.

Note the people of Paris supporting those in heaven.

Stained glass is also present in Sacre-Coeur.

No church is complete without a rose window.

So much for our brief visit to Sacre-Coeur. Don’t miss it if you get to Paris. It’s monumental and awe inspiring. I’ll return once we can travel again.


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